Showing, growing & promoting
Berkshires-based art

Future Lab(s) is an artist-run gallery in historic downtown North Adams, a short walk from Mass MOCA. We are an eclectic mix of painters, sculptors, and visual-art makers dedicated to showcasing the adventurous work being created in the Northern Berkshires, and providing a welcoming space for visitors to experience art. 

North Adams in undergoing a revitalization, transitioning from “former mill town” to “cultural destination.” Future Lab(s) is proud to be part of the city’s growing art scene, invigorating traditions of the past and envisioning the new.

We seek to promote the cutting-edge art that is being created in the northern Berkshires, to participate in the building of a resilient and mutually supporting community of artist residents, and to serve as a bridge between artists born and raised in the Berkshires and those new to this beautiful region. We yearn to spark interest in the community for collecting art and foster closer relationships between artists and art appreciators.

FLG is a member-run space. Our 20, full-membership artists each have one, two-person show per year. They also exhibit work in group shows and run the gallery together. Additionally, there is a category of associate members who pay less, don't do gallery work, and are able to exhibit in two group shows per year. 

Once a year, we host an invitational show where the gallery features the work of non-members.

For more information about FLG, send us an email at: