enhance your future
Become a Future Lab(s) Gallery Member
What you need to know up front:
Future Lab[s] Gallery is a member-owned exhibition space. We have 2 categories of membership - Full and Associate, and we accept applications for membership once a year in January/February. For full member benefits and expectations and costs, see below. Associate members pay $150 a year, and aren’t required to participate in the running of the gallery. They can show in two group shows a year.
Future Lab[s] Gallery Full Membership:
-General meetings once monthly
-All decisions by simple majority vote at general meetings 20 full members – plus associate members
-Each member entitled to one 2-person show a year. During winter meeting show schedule for that year will be set.
Juried shows, group shows, other fundraisers and special project shows as decided by group 2-3 months/year.
Full Membership Costs & Dues
• 2024/25 dues are $650
• There is a one-time per member joining fee of $100. Fees are decided yearly by the group
$700 monthly rent, $300 monthly utilities, $100 website and other online upkeep, $100 business misc,
$100 month publicity - $1300 monthly (note: this is a minimum estimate of basic costs)
For more information about FLG, send us an email at: futurelabsgallery@gmail.com